The First Meeting
The very first meeting of the Bowling Club was held on 15 July 1921. There is no mention of a club name and it wasn't until a meeting on April 12 1922 that the name Buckfastleigh Bowling Club was adopted.
This is a transcript of the original minutes. Underneath is a picture from th Minutes book.
Hamlyn’s Playing Fields
Bowling Club
Minutes of Meeting held Friday July 15/21
The inaugural meeting of the Bowling Club was held @ the Playing Fields on Friday Evening July 15 1921, a fair number of supporters being present. After a few opening remarks by Mr J Willcocks it was decided to proceed with the election of officers for the present season. It was proposed & seconded & carried unanimously that the following be elected:-
Secretary:- Mr H Paxman
Treasurer:- Mr. A Cousins
Committee:- Messrs J Foster, J Willcocks, T Hamlyn, R S Hosking, A W Jelf, A Gomm, W L Bennett.
Questions were raised with regards to issue of members tickets & official receipts, also the question of admission charges for special matches & it was ultimately decided that the whole of these matters be left to the decisions of the committee at their next meeting.